Challenge yourself, experience the edges of your comfort zone and push back your self (or socially) imposed limitations. And savour the exuberating self-accomplishment feeling. It is time to go all in!
Hold your horses, I am not suggesting to sale all your assets, and put all your savings into a newly dodgy crypto currency. Although some people might have made some money on Luna coin, when most people might still be losing money there. Regarding safe investing, I would suggest to read back our post “How to choose a good ETF?“

I would simply recommend challenging yourself, and a reasonable challenging challenge, not too easy to achieve, neither impossible to reach. The goal is for you to feel proud achieving it.
18km race in the mountain
A few weeks ago, I signed up for a trail running race because I wanted to include a competition to my training. Indeed, if we just keep training, we all reach a plateau which is difficult to overcome. I was feeling at ease with the distance (18km) and also with the elevation (~1000m). However, I was not excited at all by the weather. Indeed, it has been raining for a few days before the race. Of course, it will likely continue to rain during the race. Anyway, all runners were enjoying the same running conditions. So, I was having the same shot as everybody else. Except that I truly do not like running under the rain. I can easily get cold in the mountain and slip on wet slippery rocks or slide in the mud. Of course, I did both.
First reality check hurts
Although I assumed I was in a good climbing condition, I soon realized that I was just an average climber when people were overtaking me uphill. Ouch! it hurts! Especially when I have been training for a longer race, but not with this inclination. Am I already making excuses after 15min into the race? Anyway, I really needed this competition to assess where I was and got my reality check-up. “I was NOT giving enough attention, efforts, training…” whatever you call it, the result was just plain there. I was being overtaken, period! Definitely not the experience that I was looking for. But as someone said “If it were easy, everyone would do it”.
Pivot the mindset
Nevertheless, I changed my mindset. If I wanted to assess my fitness level, I had to go all-in! Indeed, it is only when you collapse that you know that you have reached your limit. So, I pushed harder and faster than I did in any training before. It was about mid-race that I finally reached the summit. There, I just refilled one water bottle and took a square of chocolate at the check point. I could see few runners in front that I wanted to overtake. On the other side, I was feeling the pressure also of a few runners behind me willing to leave me in the dust, or the mud in that special day. I stopped for less than 20 seconds, and I started to run again as I wanted to just finish that race.
Catch a second wind
After a few strides, I could feel my legs lighter, set aside my climbing poles, and I literally took off. I had a great second wind. I always thought that downhill wasn’t my forte, but I was on FIRE! Till the end of the race, I was running faster than I could imagine after the struggling climb, and now I was even overtaking other runners. I started to pass the ones who passed me on the climb. Towards the end of the race, I was even overtaking several runners who were ahead of me since the beginning of the race.
Time to go All-In!
I was at the point where I needed to know what I had left in the tank, so I gave it ALL IN again! And I mean a total ALL IN! Either I overtake a few extra runners, or I would just totally collapse and would finish walking when tens of people passing me. Thus, I ran the last mile as a sprint and passed again few more runners. When I had the finishing line in sight, I quickly checked over my shoulder if there was any runner behind me. And there was none. I was all by myself now. So, I enjoyed my last 20 meters with my arms raised to the sky with a smile of my face as if I would have won the race. Of course, I didn’t win THE race, but I gave my very best and I won MY race! To my surprise, I ranked 3rd in my age group! Ahahah!!
Accomplishment is the ultimate satisfaction
The feeling of accomplishment, going beyond the goal that I set to myself, offered my true joy, happiness, and excitement. I was literally screaming, exhaling the extra animal energy that I still had in me. I then realized that we (and I first) really need to continue to pursue challenges (physical, emotional, intellectual) whatever it is. We reached FI because we were either successful and/or lucky in our career. As the challenges of our career evaporated along with the stress and futility of daily issues (which was the reason we decided to RE), we lack the challenges and the rewards associated with their overcome.
So, challenge yourself, try something new and enjoy the feeling of pride when you achieve your goals!
Note: In case you would like to practice trail running, I could recommend you what you need (not much, just a good pair of shoes) and what you do not (most of the things that brands want to sell you). However, as you do not drive a car without an insurance, you should not run without an insurance. The ITRA (International Trail Running Association) has a fantastic insurance for just 49 euros per year with a worldwide coverage. You can find more details on their website.
And you, what have been your challenges that you are the proudest of? How profound were the impacts on your life? Please share your experiences and inspire other (to-be) adventurers.