Prioritizing time for a happy and fulfilling life

Happy Life Time Money

During the last couple of year, we rat raced in Hong Kong, then fired in France and moved to Dubai. All the events have been life changing experiences, and revealing about life. I have broken down the constituents which contribute to a happy and fulfilled life, and assessed what was needed to reach these key elements. We undeniably need some money, but we mostly need time. Thanks to a well structured portfolio and extended planning, the financial part is mainly on auto-pilot, leaving us all the time to live a happy and fulfilled life.

Treat yourself with holidays for a happy and successful retirement!

holidays retirement FIRE

Holidays and retirement are different, and you should refrain yourself from associating these two terms together. Holidays are critical to the success and happiness of your retirement, and should consequently be budgeted for as any other core expense.

Perfection is an illusion. Life is about compromise

Millionaire FIRE

Looking for perfection is an endless quest. Once you accept that perfection is an illusion, you should aim for the utmost compromise that fits your lifestyle and life goals.