Once you take a step back and observe the system, you will understand its mechanics and uncover its rules. Now use that knowledge to your advantage and crack the system to your benefit!
The rules of the game
In any game, there are rules. The main ones are explicit. However, the most critical ones, which contain the winning strategy, are untold. Indeed, until you know the rules, and understand the best strategies, you will get easily frustrated at the game and at the other players. This applies to all the board or card games. Nevertheless, there is a master game which functions with its own set of rules. This master game that you are playing now is called “Life”. The rules have been scripted by other people over time. Some are explicit, some are implicit. Some are universal, some are specific to a custom or culture. Some are told, but most need to be discovered.
At the beginning of time, there was the Ten Commandments. It was a good attempt; however Men have complicated the world to a level which is challenging to grasp. And no one has updated the rule book! Of course, we should learn from our elders and principally for our parents. But they lived a generation ago, and some of the rules are evolved, without mentioning that new ones appeared.

(Image by Robinraj Premchand from Pixabay)
Understand the system from within
Thus, our main way to learn is to play, mostly with a trial-and-error approach. It might take some time, but the learnings will be highly valuable, financially but also for our sanity. As any game, we learn from actively participating, thus we need to be part of the system, to understand it, to feel it from within. No Pain, No Gain.
Consequently, one should observe how the system works by distinguishing the different outputs based on the different inputs. That way, you will be able to anticipate an outcome based on the situation and might adjust your condition in order to optimize the result in your favour. You need to discover the rules to crack the system.
Don’t naively transfer rules automatically from one system to another one
When you relocate from one country to another one, you are carrying with you a set of rules. Most of rules will remain the same, but some will be different. Thus, it is important to keep an open mind and welcome new experiences. Indeed, we recently moved from France to Dubai, and we took a lot of things for granted. Furthermore, we experienced the same when we moved from Hong Kong to France a few years before. Of course, each place has its own characteristics. We easily get accustomed to the positive traits, and quickly forget about the annoyances.
For example, when we arrived in Dubai, the process to get residency is very procedural and lengthily. There are many parties involved, many documents to translate and submit. Unfortunately, most parties are not knowledgeable about the whole process, and few can make recommendations. Some are even giving wrong advice which is even worse. Each party only manages his own sub-set of the process. It is a very micro transactional base society. This environment can be surprising based on where you come from. Nonetheless when you understand it, you adapt your game. Put it another way, lower your expectations.
Don’t cheat
It is obvious, but let’s be explicit and remind everyone that cracking the system doesn’t involve cheating. I will never encourage nor perform any activity which involve lying, stealing, or cheating. Cracking the system is simply taking advantage of a situation (not someone) while staying honest.
Crack the system
If you are interested to reach Financial Independence, you need to understand how money works. And how to make it work to your advantage. Although there have been many different economic and political systems on Earth since the beginning of times, there is one that lasts longer. There is no judgement of superiority. It is just the fact that Capitalism has remained resilient to the turbulences of time.
Money is the oil of capitalism. It just keeps the world machine functioning. People always want more of it, and the economy needs it too to function. Everyone from Governments, Companies and Individuals are willing to pay you in exchange of borrowing you some of your money. So, if you have enough money, and you keep your expenses low, you can actually live off the return of your savings. Bingo! This is concept of Financial Independence. Most people would not understand, nor even think it is possible. Lucky you, you have chosen the red pill.
The Red Pill

(Image by Septimiu Balica from Pixabay)
Now that you have chosen the red pill, you have taken a step back. You decided to learn about the unsettling and life-changing truth about the system. There is no turning back possible anymore. I still remember when I took the red pill. You can read it here in the Genesis.
You are observing the world differently. Patterns are emerging in front of you. It will be very challenging, and you will have some doubts along the way, but is is part of the natural process. If it were easy, everybody will do it.
“Rome wasn’t built in a day”. And so, your FIRE journey will be also. It will take time for you to understand the rules of the game, play it like everyone else but keep your ultimate goal in mind. Remain patient but perseverant. You are not alone on this journey. We are thousands, hundreds of thousands on the boat. Actually, the reddit group r/financialindependence accounts for 1,521,163 members!
And you? Which rules really make a difference in your life? How did you find it? What would you suggest to our community? Stay motivated and happy cracking!